In 2020, our team completed the new website. We started this business project in August 2020. Even though we have just started, we are very happy to welcome new projects.
Dec 2020. Turkish diapers project
A Turkish baby diaper company approached us for requested to contact local vendors in Mongolia. We successfully completed the project within a month. A Mongolian importer has placed an order for the first container.

Nov 2020. Vietnamese coffee project
Samples of Vietnamese coffee companies’ products were received and presented to coffee importing companies.

09 Nov 2020. Became the member of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Our company became the member of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce & Industry. The MNCCI is the modern and effective representative body of the Mongolian private sector. It works in an active, transparent, and efficient manner to improve the business environment, and to make business opportunities in Mongolia accessible and beneficial for all companies, and interested investors. MNCCI is engaged to improve the legal framework for businesses by working closely with the government and the parliament through an effective public-private dialogue and by supporting the participation of the private sector in the creation of business opportunities.

Oct 2020. Vietnamese winter jacket project
We were approached by a businessman from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. They wanted to supply winter brand jackets to Mongolia. 18 brand jackets came in samples and we introduced them to the trading companies. The presentation was a success, and businesses are once again buying jackets from the seller.

Project of a car exporting company from Japan
A market survey was conducted at the request of a Japanese used car dealership company Royal Trading. We invited 50 importers of Mongolia and as a result of the agreement, 4 container used cars will be imported from Japan in the beginning. The car importers agreed to work with the company in the future.