Please receive the latest news from our company here. On this page, you can see what works our company has completed in 2023.
Provided consulting services to a Russian company
29 Nov. A trading company in Russia collected the relevant addresses, phone numbers, and e-mails of companies operating in Mongolia. The information of more than 60 companies was given.
The yak socks has been sent to USA.
21 Nov. We sent 2 pairs of wool socks to USA.

The toy ger has been sent to Canada
14 Oct. We have shipped the playhouses for sale in our home section to Canada.

The jew harp instrument was sent to USA
21 Apr. The instrument was sent to America.

Baby Diaper Work
03 Apr. At the request of a company in Mongolia, our company conducted research on baby diaper products in China.

Jew harp to USA
02 Apr. We have sent the national Jew harp of Mongolia to USA. Thank you to our customers for purchasing products from us.

Traditional Mongolian winter boots were sent to USA.
28 Mar. Traditional Mongolian winter boots were sent to Holland.

Traditional Mongolian camel wool blanket were sent to Poland.
Traditional Mongolian camel wool blanket were sent to Poland.